Here’s an amusing little disconnect to wrap your musty ol’ mammal-brain around: Right now, when you’re looking at new phones, 5G is everywhere. You can hardly avoid it!
And yet, if you find yourself holding one of those fancy new 5G-capable contraptions, you’ll quickly be confronted with a competing reality: Out in the real world, when it comes to actual usage and availability, 5G is practically nowhere.
Gee whiz.
As we’ve been thinking through Google’s 2020 Pixel lineup (and as our Apple-adoring amigos begin pondering a similar “To 5G or not to 5G?” decision on the iDevice front), I’ve heard lots of questions about the value of buying a smartphone with 5G today and whether it might be a smart long-term strategy — even if the value of 5G at this particular moment is questionable (at best).