IT topics

Here Alot Of best IT topics

GraphQL gets its own foundation

GraphQL gets its own foundation

The Linux Foundation plans to host a foundation to support the GraphQL API project, with the intent of growing a…
How to get your company to handle the cloud truth

How to get your company to handle the cloud truth

As a technologist, I can get the cloud technology to work. Always. But the ability to change the culture to…
A decade of Azure: It’s time to go back to the future

A decade of Azure: It’s time to go back to the future

It’s now been ten years since Microsoft announced its Azure cloud service. A decade is a long time in computing…
How to add sparklines to R tables

How to add sparklines to R tables

Often, all you need in a table is data as text and numbers. But sometimes, you’d like to visualize results…
What’s new in Gradle 5.0

What’s new in Gradle 5.0

Gradle 5.0, a new version of the software build tool for Java and Android development, is now available as a…
How to automate model validation in ASP.Net Core

How to automate model validation in ASP.Net Core

When we create applications that accept data from users, we must validate that data before storing it in a database.…
Review: MXNet deep learning shines with Gluon

Review: MXNet deep learning shines with Gluon

When I reviewed MXNet v0.7 in 2016, I felt that it was a promising deep learning framework with excellent scalability…
What’s new in the ASP.Net Core 3.0 web framework

What’s new in the ASP.Net Core 3.0 web framework

In the planned Version 3.0 release of its ASP.Net open source web framework, Microsoft will tighten up .Net Core integration,…
IBM’s Red Hat buy brings a Java app server dilemma

IBM’s Red Hat buy brings a Java app server dilemma

IBM’s acquisition of Linux distributor Red Hat has been positioned as a hybrid-cloud play, but the deal also gives IBM control…
The ‘born in the cloud’ advantage is real, but not absolute

The ‘born in the cloud’ advantage is real, but not absolute

You often see companies, especially new ones, state that they are “born in the cloud.” But what does that mean?…
Tutorial: Programming in React for beginners

Tutorial: Programming in React for beginners

For all the awesomeness that React brings to the table, getting started with it is not the most straightforward process.…
Managed Kubernetes: AWS vs. Azure vs. Google Cloud

Managed Kubernetes: AWS vs. Azure vs. Google Cloud

No doubt about it, Kubernetes is hot. By all indications, the open-source project created by Google, and now shepherded by…
15 tools to tame Kubernetes deployments

15 tools to tame Kubernetes deployments

Kubernetes has become a standard way—many would say the standard way — to deploy containerized applications at scale. But if Kubernetes…
Best practices for developing data-integration pipelines

Best practices for developing data-integration pipelines

Data-integration pipeline platforms move data from a source system to a downstream destination system. Because data pipelines can deliver mission-critical…
BrandPost: Mainstreaming IoT: Intel System Studio 2019 Paves the Way

BrandPost: Mainstreaming IoT: Intel System Studio 2019 Paves the Way

Thanks to the ever-growing complexity of IT systems, getting the most out of code continues to be a big challenge…
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