IT topics

Here Alot Of best IT topics

Why gaming AI won’t help make AI work in the real world—but could

Why gaming AI won’t help make AI work in the real world—but could

Multiplayer games are seen as a fruitful arena in which to simulate many real-world AI application scenarios—such as autonomous vehicles,…
What is CUDA? Parallel programming for GPUs

What is CUDA? Parallel programming for GPUs

CUDA is a parallel computing platform and programming model developed by Nvidia for general computing on its own GPUs (graphics…
How to achieve large-scale IoT with relational databases

How to achieve large-scale IoT with relational databases

Conventional wisdom states that relational databases are not scalable or robust enough to handle the huge numbers of connections, the…
IDG Contributor Network: When data becomes a service

IDG Contributor Network: When data becomes a service

We’re hearing it everywhere. Machine learning and other types of artificial intelligence are the engines that will drive competitive advantage…
IDG Contributor Network: In-memory data grids vs. in-memory databases

IDG Contributor Network: In-memory data grids vs. in-memory databases

The adoption of in-memory computing continues to accelerate. Mature solutions enable organizations to obtain the database processing speed and scale…
IDG Contributor Network: Summer reading: where data has driven us thus far in 2018

IDG Contributor Network: Summer reading: where data has driven us thus far in 2018

It’s not unlikely that future generations will look back at the first half of 2018 as the time the world…
Bolster Your C# Skills With This 89+ Hour Training Bootcamp

Bolster Your C# Skills With This 89+ Hour Training Bootcamp

A common misconception is that coding bootcamps are only for those new to the field, but it never hurts to…
Faster Babel 7 compiler debuts for JavaScript, TypeScript

Faster Babel 7 compiler debuts for JavaScript, TypeScript

Babel 7, an upgrade to the JavaScript compiler two years in the making, is now available, with speed improvements and…
BrandPost: DevOps – Your 3-step Transformation Journey

BrandPost: DevOps – Your 3-step Transformation Journey

Greek philosopher, Heraclitus once said, “The only thing constant is change.” Today’s DevOps transformation is a prime example. The DevOps…
IDG Contributor Network: Worlds collide in information management

IDG Contributor Network: Worlds collide in information management

Developments affecting the information management landscape—some recent and some taking place over many years—are spurring convergences of several different, but…
IDG Contributor Network: 5 ways to reduce devops costs

IDG Contributor Network: 5 ways to reduce devops costs

Made popular by startups that wanted to reduce their upfront infrastructure costs, the public cloud offered an easy opex method…
IDG Contributor Network: When it comes to code, be a consumer

IDG Contributor Network: When it comes to code, be a consumer

In nature, there are producers and consumers. (There are also decomposers, but that’s food-chain for thought, which we’ll leave for…
IDG Contributor Network: Fixing data quality first? You’re doing it wrong

IDG Contributor Network: Fixing data quality first? You’re doing it wrong

Over the past two decades, we’ve seen a broad shift away from traditional waterfall development methodologies in favor of more…
How to do agile estimation the right way

How to do agile estimation the right way

Many agile and scrum teams start with basic practices to enable self-organizing teams to better deliver on business priorities. Practices…
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