It’s the kind of meta notion that makes undergraduate philosophers say, “Whoa!” Software today is so complicated that we need to write software to help us understand and construct the software we need to write. Code begets code begets more code…
The code repository named Git is everyone’s favorite tool for curating software, but even this neat open source software isn’t enough. Most programmers and the teams to which they belong are now wedded to online versions of Git that add many extra layers of analysis and presentation to make it possible to wade through the vast swamp that is our code.
There are three big contenders now for the best place to stash your regular expressions, anonymous functions, and intense recursive tree-walking flashes of genius: GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab. All of them are competing to be the best place for you to store your source.
Is one better than the other? Is one the best place for your team to mint awesome-nocity? Let’s pit them against each other and see which one rules.