Although ASP.Net Core lacks a cache object, it provides support for several different types of caching including in-memory caching, distributed caching, and response caching. An open-source product provided by Alachisoft, NCache is an extremely fast, in-memory, distributed, scalable caching framework for use in .Net applications.
NCache is 100-percent native .Net. It is not only faster than Redis, but also provides several distributed caching features that are not supported by Redis. You can learn more about the differences between NCache and Redis here. This article will discuss how we can work with NCache in ASP.Net Core applications.
Create an ASP.Net Core project in Visual Studio
First off, let’s create an ASP.Net Core project. If Visual Studio 2017 is up and running in your system, follow the steps given below to create a new ASP.Net Core project in Visual Studio.