The Eclipse Foundation now has received all Java EE (Enterprise Edition) reference implementation components from Oracle, as part of the foundation’s takeover of the enterprise Java platform.
Oracle has contributed 100 percent of EE and GlassFish application server components to the foundation. GlassFish has served as a reference implementation of Java EE, which has been renamed Jakarta EE under Eclipse’s jurisdiction. The foundation said that it now had all the components in hand, which have been published to GitHub repositories. What this means is progress of the individual projects under Eclipse’s enterprise Java effort now is largely under control of the projects themselves.
The foundation also noted several other milestones that have been reached in the past couple of weeks:
- Java EE Technology Compatibility Kits (TCKs) have been contributed and now are available in open source. This move provides transparency in that vendors, customers, and the community now can see actual tests being performed and gain insight into the process.
- Eclipse will be able to ship Eclipse Glassfish as Java EE 8-compatible.
- Builds for Enterprise Eclipse for Java (EE4J) projects now are running on Eclipse infrastructure. EE4J the is open source initiative for enterprise Java at Eclipse.
- IBM, Oracle, Payara, Red Hat, and Tomitribe have committed to three years of funding for Jakarta EE, ranging from $25,000 to $300,000 each per year. This will fund creation of a dedicated team and marketing activities.
Ecilpse agreed to take jurisdiction over enterprise Java last year, after Oracle sought to divest itself of the platform and turn it over to an open source organization.