What does it mean to truly understand fog computing? Looking at fog computing as a framework that supports a vast ecosystem of resources is probably the best place to start. Understanding fog requires an appreciation for how all elements, from the billions of connected devices at the very edge to the datacenters in the far cloud can be leveraged cohesively to create an infrastructure capable of powering the tech of the future.
There’s a misconception that fog, edge, and cloud computing are engaged in a constant battle, when in reality they can complement each other. In order to support today’s rapid increase in connected devices and demand for resources from emerging tech, we’ll see a continued shift toward decentralized architectures that incorporate elements of each. Fog computing is how we create that dynamic infrastructure, enabling, for example, IoT to access flexible and affordable nearline processing, and trained AI to harness low-latency compute right at the edge.
Whether you’re focused on fog computing infrastructure itself or how today’s hottest tech sectors are leveraging it, there’s no better way to immerse yourself in the fog than to get out and meet with industry peers. We put together the following list of events through 2018 to help you stay ahead of the fog computing learning curve:
For a deeper look at fog:
- Fog World Congress (October 1-3, 2018, San Francisco), organized by The Open Fog Consortium, the event offers an introduction to fog computing, and three separate tracks for attendees: Innovation, Industry Use Cases, and Technology
- New York City Fog Computing Meetup (July 24, New York City). Great opportunity to meet with like-minded fog experts and discuss the architecture of the future Internet.
For a deeper look at edge:
- Edge Congress (October 24-25, Austin). Topics include state of the edge, life at the edge and business drivers.
For a deeper look at IoT:
- IoT Tech Expo (November 28-29, Santa Clara). Highlights the breadth of IoT and its impact, and where it is going.
For a deeper look at the cloud:
- Hosting and Cloud Transformation Summit (September 24-26, Las Vegas). 451 Research brings together corporate leaders and innovators to focus on and create strategies for the changing cloud ecosystem.
- CloudEXPO (November 12-13, New York City). Their goal is to bring together the leading minds from the technology world in a conversation about the cloud and Digital Transformation.
For a deeper look at AI:
- The AI Summit (September 19-20, San Francisco). One of the largest AI conferences, the event will pull both large corporate partners as well as start-up innovators.
- O’Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference (September 4-7, San Francisco). Learn about the latest in machine and deep learning—from bots and agents to voice and IoT interfaces—and how to implement AI in real-world projects.
Now is the time to get a handle on all things fog-related. These conferences are a good first step to getting a clearer picture of fog, its current impact and where it’s headed.
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