Learn everything you need to know about web development for only $35!

So you've decided on a new career in web development, but you're unsure where's the best place to start. You could enroll yourself in a computer sciences course at a local college, but that means putting your life on hold to go back to school, and who has the time or money for that?
The fact is if you want to be a programmer who's in demand, you need to be proficient in a multitude of different coding languages. The more varied your experience and knowledge, the more valuable you are to prospective employers. The problem, of course, is building and maintaining your knowledge of all the latest programming languages.
Maybe you've seen ads for intensive coding boot camps, but thought that might be a bit overwhelming. You'd be much better off learning at your own pace via online courses.
Android Central is here to help, with this amazing deal. You can get lifetime access to The Complete 2018 Learn to Code Bundle for just $35.
This bundle includes 9 distinct courses on all the most valuable languages and web development frameworks used by programmers today — including JavaScript, Python, PHP, and much more. Each course is broken down into digestible lectures, which have been put together by qualified and experienced experts.
You receive access to well over 200 hours of online course material, that you can always come back to when you need a refresher. This also makes it a valuable resources for those already working as a web developer, as you'll have this well of knowledge to go back to throughout your career.
So what are you waiting for? To sign up for all these courses individually would cost over $1,000, but for a limited time you can enjoy a 94% discount on this bundle.
But again, this is only available for a limited time, so you'll want to jump on it now and then enjoy the freedom to build out your coding skill set at your own pace.