Mobile : Google Android OS Explained

Meet the new mobile standard—What’s Android OS? In short, it’s what makes your Smart Phone so smart. Introduced by Google in 2007 as the ultimate mobile operating system, Android is an open source platform that turns your phone into a powerful web browser, game console, and personal assistant all in one.
An Android Joins the System
Android uses a fun, easy interface to organize and manage applications on some of the world’s most powerful phones. In fact, carrying around an Android phone is like having a pint-sized laptop right in your pocket.
There are a few mobile operating systems out there—Android is the only one made by Google. Its web functionality is not just an add-on, but a primary part of the experience.
Have a favorite URL? Bookmark it for quick access any time. Prefer a wider view of a particular site? Just rotate your phone and automatically switch to landscape mode.
If you’re a fan of using a cursor, the Samsung Moment’s innovative optical joystick is like having a mini-mouse built into your phone.
All About the Apps
The possibilities become limitless with access to the Google Play™, a huge online bazaar filled with more than 80,000 applications—many of them free—to empower your phone.
Like to cook? Try Epicurious, an encyclopedic collection of thousands of recipes. Are you a sports fan? Live game updates are always just a few taps away with Score Mobile. Productivity, entertainment, social networking, and causal games are in the palm of your hand, at all times.
Before you even visit the Market, you can check out Android’s pre-loaded selection of applications, ranging from YouTube to the Google Maps and search functions.
Always Getting Better
Your Android phone will just keep getting better. Unlike other closed systems that depend on one company for innovation, Android is an open platform, meaning that both Google and its partners are constantly making improvements.
Since its open source release in 2008, Android has had four updates—each bursting with new features and enhanced performance.
And because Android is software, there’s no need to buy a new phone to reap the benefits when it upgrades.
Ever Ready and Future-Forward
So what is Android? It’s having all the information you need at your fingertips. It’s the comfort of knowing that your phone’s operating system will constantly be up to date. And it’s about being connected today, always ready for tomorrow.