Mobile : Tips & Tricks: Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus (T-Mobile)

Thin, light and loaded with features, the portable Galaxy Tab™ 7.0 Plus has it all so you can take it anywhere and do anything. From private web browsing to customizing your home screen, check out these tips to find out more about what this powerful device can do for you.
Incognito Mode: You can enjoy a private web browsing mode called Incognito. When Incognito Mode is enabled in a browser window, any site viewed in that window won’t be stored in the browser or search history, or leave cookies behind on the device after the window is closed. To turn on Incognito, while in the browser, touch the Action Bar > New Incognito Tab.
Adding a VPN (Virtual Private Network): A virtual private network connection lets you connect to your corporate network resources from afar. Once a VPN client has been downloaded and your IT department has enabled VPN access, a connection can be established by entering your access credentials in the downloaded client. To establish a VPN connection using the built-in VPN functionality, a connection profile can be created by touching Apps > Settings. Select Wireless and networks > VPN Settings > Add VPN.
Viewing Recently Used Apps: To quickly view recently used apps, touch the third icon in the lower left corner of the screen. This function displays thumbnails of apps that have been recently opened. To navigate to one of these apps, touch its thumbnail.
Opening Messages through the Notifications Menu: When a new message is received, the system will sound an alert and display a brief pop-up of the message on the lower right corner of the screen. To read the new message without navigating to the messaging app, touch the Message icon on the System Bar and select the message to read.
Seeing Only Downloaded Apps: If you want to see only apps you have downloaded in the Apps menu, touch the My Apps tab at the top of the Apps menu screen. To return to the default display, touch the All tab.
Deleting Home Screen Widgets: To delete a widget from the Home screen, touch and hold the widget and drag it to the top right corner. Drop it over the Remove icon.
Opening the Notifications Menu: While previous versions of Android™ had a window-shade Notifications menu, the tablet-optimized Android incorporates this menu into the bottom right corner of the screen, on the System Bar. To open the Notifications menu, touch the Time Display to access notifications plus Wi-Fi®, GPS, vibration, auto-rotation, Bluetooth® and Airplane Mode.
Customizing the Home Screen: You can organize widgets and shortcuts on any of the five scrolling home screens. To move a widget or shortcut from one screen to another, touch and hold the widget until it releases from the home screen grid, and then drag it toward the edge of the screen into the frame of the next home screen. The same long press (touch and hold) gesture can be used to move widgets and shortcuts around on the same home screen.
Screen images simulated. Appearance of device may vary. Some features may not be available in all areas.
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