Mobile : Get to Know the Samsung Focus™ with Windows® Phone 7

Product experts from Samsung Mobile USA and Microsoft® recently hosted a Twitter chat with users to address their questions about this new smartphone and what it can do. Check out these Q&As from the hour-long event to learn more about the Samsung Focus and Windows® Phone 7.
Couldn’t join the live Twitter chat? Don’t worry, we’ve got the questions and answers right here, just as they appeared on Twitter (but in an easier-to-read format). From RAM to software updates, they covered it all in less than 140 characters.
I know they are in the works on flashplayer for wp7. Do you have any rough idea as to when it will happen?
to early to say but there is a Youtube app in the Marketplace.
If you want to tether can you on #wp7focus
tethering is not currently supported by WP7 OS.
How much RAM does the #wp7Focus have?
the Samsung Focus will have 512RAM
Are you able to drag and drop videos and mp3s into the phone without using a tool like itunes with the iphone?
to side load content please use the free Zune software
will video recording be increased to 30 FPS in an update?
we are taking a look at the quality of the 720p recording and will improve to make better experience if needed.
Are you planning any software updates for #wp7focus in the near future?
Microsoft is committed to delivering regular updates for Windows Phone7. 1st updates happening 1st half of 2011.
Does the wp7 have a file explorer for docs and files like winmobile6 had
no it does now have file explorer. content is organized by hubs, ie. office, games, music/video.
Why after choosing a kind of music in zune, we can't pick an artist and we are forced to select an album?
we will be looking at screen tests.
Is it true that the SD cards are not removable after installation and why
they are removable but will reset device. it is part of hard drive of device. backup via WindowsLive & Zune services.
Will there be a 16GB version available?
you can expand memory up to 32GB
Does the device need to be reset (soft/hard) after inserting a micro SD card?
we recommend inserting microSD prior to 1st startup. To include in phone memory u will need to soft reset.
Does the display use Gorilla Glass?
yes. the Samsung Focus does use Gorilla glass
Does the Focus (And/or all WP7 devices) support Enterprise-based WiFi networks? I know the Zune HD and the KIN did not.
WP7 should work with most enterprise wifi networks.
why didn't samsung include dlna on the focus and why isn't there a front facing camera on WP7, is this due to spec 1 or 2
we chose to differentiate in our Now Hub and other apps that will be available at launch.
Will Twitter integration come to the People Hub?
currently Windows Live and Facebook will be in People Hub. WP7 is listening to customer feedback upon others.
will the windows 7 phone have bigger icons that are easier to press?
WP7 start screen and OS has been optimized for touch
also, #WP7Focus what is the type of SD card that can be used to expand mem? can we do it or only AT&T?
we've tested up to 32GB
hey #WP7Focus any "dock"-like accessories planned so that i can connect my phone to a stereo?
yes we are looking at dock-like for the Samsung Focus
What enhancements did Samsung make in the photo area? MS website originally mentioned software w/no details
we have a Photosharing app in Marketplace that expands on social networking experience.
As the Strategic Manager of Social Media for Samsung Mobile USA, Cosmin Ghiurau is constantly connected and completely obsessed with all things digital. Follow him on Twitter, @SamsungCos, for the latest Samsung Mobile news.